
Unleashing Potential: Empowering Youth Through Mentorship

Introduction: In a world where boundless freedom and self-discovery should be inherent to every young soul, unfortunately, many face significant barriers. Poverty, traumatic experiences, discrimination, and mental health challenges burden these vulnerable youth, depriving them of their "adolescent...

Elevating Financial Well-Being Through Work
Elevating Financial Well-Being Through Work

Employment plays a large part in your financial well-being. Working is how most Canadians make money. Ideally, you want a job that pays enough for you to cover your living expenses, save money for the future, and pursue your hobbies and interests as well. Let's dive deeper into how your financial...

New Year Resolutions – How Stay On Track To Your Goals
New Year Resolutions – How Stay On Track To Your Goals

Finances are a common area that people set New Year's resolutions or goals around. Often times we are met with an overwhelming number of goals and dreams that we want to achieve in the new year. Whether it is to save more, get out of debt, or buy a home are some common financial goals. But a goal...

Financial Wellness – What Is It?
Financial Wellness – What Is It?

The Wellness Wheel is an educational tool that can be found in various forms and that we introduce frequently in The Dollar Detective curriculum. Some Wellness Wheels have 7 sections, others eight, and some 4, but regardless of how many areas of wellness are depicted, the wellness wheel shows the...

Growing Good Credit – Tips & Tricks
Growing Good Credit – Tips & Tricks

  Spring is a time for planting seeds, these can be thoughts, habits, or actual physical seeds. You can think of your finances as a garden, a garden that needs to be weeded, have the right soil, water, light and plant diverse species of vegetation. Let's use the garden analogy to apply it to...

Teaching Your Kids About Money – Practical Tips
Teaching Your Kids About Money – Practical Tips

Teaching our kids about the importance and management of money at an early age is a key component of avoiding financial problems later down the road. The road to financial success only gets more complicated as we grow older. However, if we can help youth develop the right financial skills,...

Switching Careers – Factors to Consider
Switching Careers – Factors to Consider

Switching careers can be a stressful and exciting time for all of us. Some of us no longer enjoy our jobs and feel as though we are trapped. With these feelings, we want to make a pivot towards something that is more aligned with our interests. While you may immediately want to go onto LinkedIn,...

Budgeting, What is it? How Do We Create One?
Budgeting, What is it? How Do We Create One?

What is budgeting and why is it important? Well, budgeting is estimating your level of income and expenses for a set period of time to achieve a goal. Budgeting is important because it disciplines us to spend on things we need and when to spend on things we don’t. We can sometimes spend on things...

Fraud Protection for Teens
Fraud Protection for Teens

Financial scams are often not what they seem. They can be just as dangerous, if not more so than physical harm! Everyone is vulnerable to these types of scamming techniques and that includes you and your teen! Talking to your teen is essential because they are the perfect target of fraudsters....

Raising Teen Savvy Savers
Raising Teen Savvy Savers

Hi parents, have you ever thought of the importance for your teenager to learn how to save money? It appears my children never save money, but instead spend every penny they earn or get on things that will only last for a few days. As parents, we want our kids to live a better life than we did,...